
Art is on the road again. I’m pretty excited although it will only be for few days. Everyone says, the country (more precisely) the city I’m heading to does not offer much, but still it’s a new country for me to see, new faces, new culture, new food among other new things!

The city where I’m going is the capital…


1) One of the world tallest building is in this city

2) Few month back the country was getting the world’s attention (tragically I must say…)

3) For cars lovers…the city is one of the few in South Asia to host the Formula One Grand Prix

You know the rule, who ever find the city will get a post card. Easy!



Vacations AGAIN! (Sorry, I don’t mean to brag). This time it’s not a “Vamos a la Playa” vacation though, it’s a semi-backpack trip to one of the most fascinating countries in Asia if you love Architecture, History, and Arts in general.

I will be on the road for ten days, so hopefully will capture great moments, pictures, and videos to share with all of you.

Where am I going?

1. Natives of the country are known to be very friendly (most of them are Buddhists)

2. The country has two  Continue reading

Destination Phuket

Last week I went to Phuket, Thailand for the first time. It is a very popular holiday destination across the world but particularly from Expats based in Singapore. After all,  it is just a little more than an hour, and it is not costly, my ticket was $160.

I have always thought Phuket is a city, but it is in fact an island with the main city being Phuket town. Each main city on the coast has its beach; I stayed at Patong, the popular touristic destination in Phuket.

If you are looking for the quiet, raw, lonely beaches, DO NOT go to Patong it is exactly the opposite. The beach is Continue reading


One of the great things living in Singapore is the opportunity to travel around Asia. I have been quite busy at work and decided few days ago to take some time off, just for a few days.

To be honest I never fancy the place where I’m going, a buddy of mine decided the destination. The very few people who know where I’m going are more excited than I…apparently it is amazing!

I know you start to get pissed not knowing where I’m going.


Few tips, where I’m heading is smaller than Singapore, but somehow it seems to be the Continue reading