Happy Chinese New Year

lunar-year-singapbyart.jpgI grew up in the West where Christmas is one of the most anticipated events; especially when it comes to the family reunion, gifts, and food.

Here in the Far East, or to be more precise in countries where there is a major ethnic Chinese population the equivalent of Christmas is the Chinese New Year. You most certainly have heard about it wherever you are reading this from.

You may have wonder as well does that mean Chinese do not follow the Gregorian calendar’ it’s ok to admit. Well the answer is Continue reading

Museum Afternoon

Today I went to the Art & Science Museum; you know that fancy building right next to the fancy Marina Bay Sand hotel.

Art & Science Museum

Current expositions are Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb and National Geographic – 50 Greatest Photographs.

Amigos, if you have the chance to see any of these expositions, definitely go for it. The Mummy one is quite interesting; it basically shows the secrets of the Egyptian burial practices and mummification process (including a 15 min video in 3D).

The other one, well is just photographs one will say; but really for most of them you will feel something, you know like emotion etc…I felt something haha :-). Anyway the good thing is you’ll have the short story behind the photo, which is quite nice.

Below is one of the pictures; yes it’s the same as the one above in the banner (flash was forbidden, so you cannot really see details). I stand in front of it for a good five min.

If these expositions are in your city, it’s a must gO folks!!