Museum Afternoon

Today I went to the Art & Science Museum; you know that fancy building right next to the fancy Marina Bay Sand hotel.

Art & Science Museum

Current expositions are Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb and National Geographic – 50 Greatest Photographs.

Amigos, if you have the chance to see any of these expositions, definitely go for it. The Mummy one is quite interesting; it basically shows the secrets of the Egyptian burial practices and mummification process (including a 15 min video in 3D).

The other one, well is just photographs one will say; but really for most of them you will feel something, you know like emotion etc…I felt something haha :-). Anyway the good thing is you’ll have the short story behind the photo, which is quite nice.

Below is one of the pictures; yes it’s the same as the one above in the banner (flash was forbidden, so you cannot really see details). I stand in front of it for a good five min.

If these expositions are in your city, it’s a must gO folks!!