Hock Lam Beef

Hock Lam Beef is a restaurant to check in Singapore; indeed, the place is apparently a century old which for a country only 49 years old is quite amazing!!

Anyway I went there last week to check their famous dish: teachew beef kway teow. It is basically a beef broth with a choice of noodle and beef served with a soup or dry.

My choice resulted to this…

Not bad huh!! Overall the dish was good, but no biggie. What I liked most was the beef; it included tender, fat, and chewy slices. I had to chew it for a good five min before swallowing it, I loved it. haha

One last thing though, for a place that old I would have expect some sort of history/legacy spirit in their decoration, service, or else. But none of that, I thought it was disappointing.