Hello you!

Welcome all,

As promise, my blog Singap’ by art is officially live now. I have only been here for a couple of days, and for those whom I know personally and I have been skyping with, you know things are going well so far. Like the saying; so far so good (for the record, this is me saying that after only 4 days… let’s wait a few more months and see.)

Why this blog? — Well, the answer is pretty simple. Moving from Europe to Asia is a pretty big jump and you expect a totally different lifestyle. Indeed, the people, the food, the music, the customs, and life in general is a new experience. Also, it would be too selfish of me not to share all that new exciting adventure with others.

There won’t be any specific scheduling as far as posting articles is concerned; however, I assure you I will try to keep the blog live, fun, and exciting enough to have you, and you, and you coming back!

Friends, adventurers, newbies travelers, or random web surfers I look forward to reading your comments, reactions, and discussions in this blog. Feel free to be yourself because, surely, I will. 🙂

