Singapore to Kuala Lumpur by bus

There are different options available when it comes to traveling between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, or to a larger extent between Singapore and any city in Malaysia.

Plane is a good option; it is cheap (round trip ±100 SGD) and fast (less than an hour). Another option is the taxi, but it will come with a cost and time. The only advantage is the convenience to be dropped at your preferred spot.

The third option is the bus. There are many companies offering the trip between Singapore and Malaysia. I recommend you search for your tickets on you will find different companies with different price offering different service.

There are few things to check before buying your ticket:

– Obviously the day and time of departure and time of arrival as well (arriving too late may mean no public transport anymore, so better arrive in a busy area to easily find a taxi, etc.)

– Next, carefully check where you will arrive in Kuala Lumpur (try to arrive in major center area, especially if you arrive after midnight as there are no public transportation anymore)

– The service on the bus, as I said earlier you have a bit of everything, from luxury coaches to regular buses, but also executive coaches. The drive last about five-hour, thus depending on your exigency for comfort, buy the correct ticket.

I’ll describe the journey of the company bus I took: Nice. The bus left at 7pm sharp from The Plaza on Beach road. It took about 45 min to get to the Singapore border where you first need to exit the country. The bus stops, passengers alight, and enter the police border control building. After the check, they go back to their bus waiting on the other side. The bus will then drive across the Tuas Second Link and arrive at the Malaysian border. There you’ll need to step down from the bus again with your luggage and do the usual routine when entering a new country.

After the border control check, you will go to your respective bus, and you should be in Kuala Lumpur within the next three to four hours.