Battambang to Siem Reap by boat

There are several ways to travel from Battambang to Siem Reap, by road (bus or taxi), helicopter (just kidding), and by boat. The former is faster, cheaper, and arguably safer; so, you may wonder why I went for the latter, which is longer (about 10 hours), more expensive ($20), and probably less safe.


There are different answers, but overall the main reason is Continue reading

Destination Cambodia | Battambang

battambang-cambodia-singapbyart.com_.jpgPhnom Penh to Battambang is a short or a long trip depending on which bus you take. Five hours with a coach bus, or 7-8 hours if you take a local bus, which I did (cost: $10). The local bus stops every other hour to drop and pick up people. While it is slightly longer, the trip is more entertaining; during the journey I’ve met Buddhist monks, listen to Cambodia sopra, watch an old Chinese movie with Jackie Chan in his twenties, and even got offered food by the locals.

People are just excited to Continue reading

Destination Cambodia | Phnom Penh – Day 3

I started my third and last day in Phnom Penh with a Kuy Teav, a typical Cambodian breakfast. The dish is a broth consisting of rice noodles with pork stock and toppings like onions, bean sprouts, and vegetables. I also had an omelet with bread, and a strong coffee. Needless to say, it was delicious.

You can have this sort of breakfast everywhere in the country, but nothing better than having it at the market place stall, or at a roadside vendor like I did. Don’t worry about food poisoning, or anything of the sort. There aren’t many foreigners Continue reading

Destination Cambodia | Phnom Penh – Day 2

I hope you have enjoyed my previous article on my first day in Phnom Penh, the next day was pretty cool a well. A lot of sightseeing, starting with the Central Market.

central-market-phnom-penh-singapbyart.com_.jpgMy hotel was nearby so I went there to check it out. It’s a pretty nice building from the outside, it’s the shape of a dome with four arms branching out into vast hallways with countless stalls of goods. Inside, the market is divided in different sections and you’ll find Continue reading